Saturday, October 16, 2010

The beginning...

Hello and welcome to my blog "The Battle is Not in Your Hair". What am I talking about when I say the battle is not in your hair? If you have come across my blog you probably would expect tips on taking care of natural hair, how to remain natural, etc. Well here you will get that but there is something more important that I have on my mind. Your life as a whole, your soul and where it will end up when this life is over. There is a scripture in the bible that states:

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12 NKJV

It basically is stating that the things of the earth realm, the flesh, people, things that are temporary are not what we struggle with or battle with, it is the unseen, the things working behind the scenes of our physical eyes, those things that are present in the spiritual realm.

There are powers that are fighting for our lives everyday, in every decision and turn we make. They want to take your life and everything in it, and destroy is so you can not walk the path that God has destined for you. When I say the battle is not in your hair, I am saying that in society we have been trained to believe our looks are one of the most important assests we have. The views of our hair, especially those of African descent have been told that our hair is undesirable, it's not adequate and we should not accept it. If you probe deeper, its not just an attack on our hair, those views were done to attack our entire being. If they hate their hair, then they will hate themselves, and in turn they will not know their selves so they can easily be deterred from their purpose in life. When you reject a part of your self, that was placed by God you are setting yourself up to fail.

Growing up as an African American little girl I was bombarded with images, that I was not deemed attractive unless my hair was long, straight and flowing. Sitting in the kitchen or in the beauty salon getting the "naps" beat out by the heat of the straightening comb. Then after I couldn't take that any longer then I took the rite of passage to get a relaxer. But like I said the battle was not in my hair, this attack on my hair led to low confidence, lack of the acceptance of how God made me, etc.

It is more than hair that we are dealing with, when you don't accept what was given to you by God it is easy to reject His other gifts.